Varsity Acres School - 4255 40th Street, NW, Calgary, AB
We operate this program at Varsity Acres School in the gymnasium. We are licensed for 105 kindergarten and out of School Care children. We offer care before/after school, early dismissals and most PD days. We lease from Calgary Board of Education and part of the lease agreement is that we don't operate during December break , July and August.
Our business hours are 7:00am - 8:05am and 2:30pm - 6:00pm Monday - Thursday and Friday from 7:00am - 8:05am and 12:00pm - 6:00pm. On full days we are open from 7:00am - 6:00pm.
This type of program is in the form of a roll away where we set up and take down daily. Staff are innovative and creative when they set up this program into learning centres such as; art, library, block/building, dramatic, manipulative, games and large motor areas. Our goal is to make it as home like as possible and to be reflective of the children who are attending. Children are given ample opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills and are supported in a child lead atmosphere where learning takes place based on their interests.
As stated in Flight: Alberta Child Care Framework, we believe that children are capable, and mighty learners and the educators’ role is to be a co-learner, co-imaginer, and co-researcher.
Our Program planning starts with children’s interests, as simple as drawing, that expands to a drawing club, art sale, pokemon card store, book club, and more! We observe children’s interest as well as their needs, and abilities and invitation to play is set up daily. As children unfold their learning journey, we follow their lead and excitedly alongside children’s play.
Our goal is to build a community at Varsity Acres School where children feel safe and explore the world together. Family involvement is essential for creating places of vitality, and we invite families for a variety of events such as art sale, field trip volunteers, bottle donations for fundraising, flea market, cooking club with families special recipes and for the special guest speakers.
If you have any questions about this location or would like to register please feel free to call.
Olidia Ramirez - Program Coordinator
Hola everyone, my name is Olidia Ramirez and I am the newest member to join SEEDS. I am so excited to get to know all the children and showcase my creativity! A few interesting facts about me are; that I speak English and Spanish, I graduated from Bow Valley College with the Early Childhood Education Diploma program in 2020, and my favourite place in the world is going back home to my island Cuba. I am the proud owner of an almost 4-year-old tabby cat named Rami. I have 1 year of experience as a program supervisor at Glamorgan School. I truly stand by this quote from Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) "Today is a good day to try" because no matter what is happening in the outer world around us, nothing is impossible if we don't try!